Women's ShoesStiletto may be suitable for the party, but do not fit are used for job interviews.Wearing just a simple shoe that match your clothes. For example, low-heeled shoes with a skirt, or short boots with long pants.
Do not forget to consider the possibility of having to climb stairs or walk past the place that is not too smooth. Shoes that creaked to give a negative impression to the interviewer. But it does not mean that you have to specifically buy a new pair of shoes just to do the interview. The most important thing you wear shoes that fit your tastes and looks clean, neat, and proper.
ReticuleOften difficult to know what women bag suitable for use during the interview. You do not need to wear a bag lady whose contents can work includes all kinds, ranging from wallets to the book. Bring a medium size bag lady who can carry a wallet, car keys (if you drive a car), and some make-up equipment.
Pick a matching handbag and shoes with the clothes you wear. Do not forget to clean it before the interview. On the night before the interview take some time to prepare anything that will be required at the time of the interview, because looking for something in the bag lady at the interview will be very annoying and gives a negative impression.
Why is it important?Although women's handbags and shoes are not determinants of success or failure of an interview, but you still need to take it into account, because it's the little things can affect your body language. For example, if at first want to express my gratitude but because of the heavy bag lady then position your body can show body language to the contrary.
Source: www.tabloidnova.com